"Accompagner l’apprenant par une formation qui ait du sens et fournir au formateur les éléments-clés d’accompagnement"

Digital Learning

Outsource your training through our Digital Health Learning expertise to engage your learners and make effective the individualization of training that traditional and face-to-face solutions no longer allow.

Scripting & gamification

We create educationals, interactives and engaging games through user-oriented storyboards : our clients regularly participate in our project seminars.

Learning analytics

Motivation and learner commitment are key training elements which are difficult to measure. Our product roadmap targets adaptive learning as the new digital learning milestone.

Network of expert trainers

Thanks to our network of experts and our knowledge bases, we create tailor-made scientific, regulatory, « compliant » content.

Mobile applications

The training can be serious and committed while being fun and dedicated ! Our mobile solutions for training support, young people follow-up or disability companion are proof of this commitment.


The support & employment mobile application intended for all young people monitored by the Local Missions.

A project in mind ?

You wish an estimate or an information:

> 50


+ 6000 h

of training per year

> 100 modules

deployed per year


Healthcare Professionnals

  • RGPD
  • Anti-corruption – Loi Sapin II
  • Formations scientifiques
  • Éducation thérapeutique du patient
  • Accueil et préparation du patient dans le cadre d’une chirurgier ambulatoire
  • Ouverture du bloc d’anesthésie
  • Accueil du patient au bloc opératoire


Industrial Healthcare

  • Formation réglementaire – Promotion du médicament
  • Anti-corruption – Loi Sapin II
  • RGPD
  • Formations scientifiques
  • Bonnes pratiques de fabrication


  • RGPD
  • Anti-corruption – Loi Sapin II
  • Bonnes pratiques des entretiens de management

statistics for the year 2021

The quality certification was issued for the following category of action:


To know more…

Synakène is a member of the Medicen cluster and is one of the industrial partners within the FHU Child consortium.

Learn more about Medicen…
Learn more about FHU Child…

+ 60



Renouvellement de notre certification Qualiopi !

📢 Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que nous avons renouvelé notre certification QUALIOPI ! 🗂️ Chez Synakene, nous mettons la qualité au cœur de tous nos projets, de A à Z. ✅ Cette certification délivrée par l’Apave témoigne de notre engagement continu et de la...

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LFSS 2024, les dernières mesures !

🔍 LFSS 2024, l’actualité qu’il ne faut surtout pas rater ! 🔍   🏥 Financement et organisation des Hôpitaux : (cf article 49) - La loi réforme le modèle financements des hôpitaux.- Les activités MCO (Médecine Chirurgie Obstétrique) feront l’objet d’un mode de...

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